Real Estate Finance and Investments
The major in finance with an emphasis in real estate is designed for students with a particular interest in commercial banking, real estate asset management, real estate investment analysis, or corporate real estate management.
A Major in Finance with an Emphasis in Real Estate requires 24 hours beyond the College of Business core as follows:
Required courses (12 hours)
- FIN 440 – Financial Management II
- FIN 450 – Applied Financial Analysis
- RE 310 – Principles of Real Estate
One of the following:
- RE 611 – Real Estate Finance
- RE 618 – Real Estate Investment Analysis
Electives (12 hours)
- Nine hours of upper-division (300 or above) Real Estate courses
- Three hours of upper-division (300 or above) Finance courses
Note: RE 481/ RE 481N may not be used to satisfy the elective component of this degree.
Model programs (degree completion plans) and course check sheets for all degrees in the Barton School can be found on the Barton School Advising Center website.